On the 50th anniversary of President Nixon's resignation, this course explores the silent coup against the popular chief executive. He had been spied upon by the military, infiltrated by CIA, and betrayed by White House staff members John Dean and Alexander Haig. His final end came at the hands of enemies within the Democratic Party who controlled the investigation in alleged campaign abuses.
On the 60th anniversary of John F Kennedy's bloody murder in public view, this course explores the events and persons who plotted against the chief executive and his world-changing policies . The journey also examines the cover up that went into effect immediately afterwards.
Eighty-five years ago, the Roosevelt Administration planned and provoked an attack on Pearl Harbor by forces of the Japanese Imperial Navy. This closely guarded maneuvering by American elites unified the overwhelmingly antiwar nation into leading the defeat of fascism in Japan and Germany. In doing so, the United State crushed the nascent imperial ambitions of those two nations, and it oversaw the eventual dismemberment of the empires of England, France, and The Netherlands in Asia.